Glad to Hear

Glad to hear.
About you.. about my son, our son.

All this time, you’ve been through the days and all the trouble that I’m supposed to be there, at your side. All the happiness that we could have spent together. I want but i couldn’t and from the deepest heart, please forgive me. I hope our son will forgive me too.

After these years.

Finally, I hear your voice and our son. Your story, your sadness, your happiness. And i believe, there are still a lot of stories you want to tell me. And i have so many feelings that i want to tell you.

Perhaps, we will meet, you, our son and me. Someday. It’s okay, i’ll just waiting for any chances, until that day, whatever feelings we will have.

Glad to hear.
Even if it’s only your voices. I’m still glad to feel this feelings, woke me from my dreams.

Just take care of yourself and our son, altough i know that you’ll always do that. And i’m so sorry for being far away from you, from our son. I know it would’t be enough, cause you deserved something better.

I promise, I will always keep you here, in my heart.

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